Thursday, December 6, 2007


So it's snowing pretty much all over Iowa right now, and it's pretty flippin awesome!!! I decided that winter is my favorite time of year today.... it's a pretty good time. I am bored working here in the Admissions office at Simpson College...You can definitely tell everyone including professors are ready for this semester to be over and have a long break. First semester always seems alot harder than 2nd semester and I don't know why. Maybe your just use to it by that point and it's not so hard to get motivated. This semester has definitely been my hardest one thus far, but I heard that alot last year as well. I am thinking next semester should be alot easier. This weekend should be pretty lame, it's going to consist of writing a paper, studying for finals and make sure I pass all my classes!

All the new guys that initiated my fraternity this pass fall will officially become active members after Christmas break, which will be pretty cool. I am just rambling on now..... I better go do something...productive....Later

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Dead week, Finals, and Christmas!!!

So dead week is almost over and Finals week is just around the corner. This week has consisted of getting your final exam study guides, stressing out, and writing final papers. Also playing catch up from anything you didn't do all semester, but that never happens here at Simpson, ya whatever. lol I am excited to be done with it thought because that means this little thing called CHRISTMAS BREAK is right around the corner. I can't wait for it. I am ready to be done with this crazy tough semester and start a brand new one! Next semester should be a little bit easier and there should be more time for me just to relax.

Next semester I will also start my office as Recruitment Chair for SAE, my fraternity. I am so excited to start giving back to my fraternity what it has given to me. So if you're interested in Greek Life, I am the guy for you! haha