Wednesday, October 31, 2007


So this year I am not so excited about Halloween, I know that sounds all sad and depressing, BUT I have a test in my Anthropology class at 8AM! tomorrow morning so therefore I can't go out with any of my friends tonight AND my fraternity is having a Halloween party that I will not be able to attend because I am at a study, the sacrfices I have to make, lol. I guess that's what college is all about. The social life is fun but I am here for school so I guess I can't complain.

This weekend should make up for the crappy week I have had; I am going to a leadership school conference friday and saturday for my fraternity and than Saturday night is my boss, Andy English's wedding. It's going to be crazy!!!! I signed up for next semester classes today....that kind of made me scared because that means I am one more semester closer to graduating and THAT my friend is scary, lol.

Final Thought:

Thanksgiving break is only two and half weeks away...but who's counting? I AM!!!!

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