Saturday, November 24, 2007

Thanksgiving break, family, and SNOW!!!!

Right now I am at home, babysitting two of my younger brothers which I haven't done in a very long time, so I am pretty excited about it, crazy I know. We just got back from spending Thanksgiving in Kansas City and St. Joseph Missouri, seeing family I haven't seen in forever! It was alot of fun and my mom even convinced me to get up at 3AM!!!!! and go Christmas shopping with her. It was event let me tell you. Crazy woman climbing shelves int he aisles to grab that last toy, standing outside in lines 300 and 400 people long, and dealing with mean nasty people that have no respect for anyone, but we did survive it and my mom got majority of all of her christmas shopping done. Now we are back home, and my mom is going shopping again today yes i know she is crazy, and i am just having a relaxing day at home before I have to go back to Simpson tomorrow morning. Once I get back to Simpson than I am going to have to buckle down again because there's only 3 weeks till Christmas break, but those are three very busy weeks with Dead Week and Finals Week. Well I better go check on my little brothers, peace out cub scouts!


Anonymous said...

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Why Pay Retail? said...

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